Well, that time has come again. After a cold winter, spring is on the way. Certain creatures shed their extra winter fur in the warmer weather, and my husband is no exception. That's right. Last night, Paul shaved off his beard! Two days before, he shaved off his mustache in what he called his "Brigham Young" look. I had to take pictures of the event.
This first picture is from Christmas Break. It was taken when we all singing Christmas carols as my parents' house. I put it here so that you can see what Paul looked like with his full beard. All winter he was something of a novelty in our ward since most of the ward members are BYU students. Their honor code forbids guys from growing facial hair. (Notice Paul's awesome Zelda shirt. I have a Zelda shirt too and we sometimes like to wear them on the same day just to be geeky.)
The next picture is Paul's "Brigham Young look." Then we have the chin scruff transition. A few pictures of the shaving, and then... a completely different Paul. :) The only problem is, I can't figure out how to pictures below the text instead of above it. And when I tried to add the last picture, it kept putting it at the top. I don't know how to get around that, so I'll just put the last picture in another blog. Sorry about that.